Monday 25 January 2010


In my media coursework i had decided to share the workload with one other person, Josh Plant. I decided to create to-do lists, and became the main organiser. We planned our week schedule very well and always had something to do, therefore we worked efficeintly.

We have answered the first question together and is on our shared blog.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In order to make our ancillary tasks a good part of our campaign to promote our film we have had to a lot of research into the generic conventions of what a good action teaser trailer, film poster and film magazine front cover should be.
We decided to get our poster done, we researched into classic films such as "The Godfather" in particular. This poster struck us as a great basis for our own poster. We used a similar, simple black and white colour scheme to show the contrast between good and evil. We used this for both of our ancillary tasks because it is important to keep similiarity so not to confuse the genre of the film. We did this maily becuase we found most films did this. For example the godfather uses a very similar DVD case colour scheme to its poster. We made sure that both film magazine and poster used the space well. By this i mean i made sure that the main character of the film was always occupying most space on the paper. When i looked at other action posters this is exactly what i found and that all focus was aimed on the character. Everything else on the other posters were a lot smaller or duller and did not attract attention. We have successfully achieved this in our poster as well.
The Film magasine front cover also had to considered this. We did not make the image of the main character as big but it is still clear that it is the most important piece. We used the same colour contrast to make the big, white font stand out and draw your attention to the text. Also we made sure to use catchy headlines "Josh Connor whoi is the man behind the name?", this would definately grab the audieces attention due to this man being in the dark, making the audience think who is this mysterious man?
I think overall our poster was good and fits into the convention of a action film poster, it may of took as a few goes to get in right but it was worth i tin the end. If i could change anything it would be the pose of what the main character is doing. Despite is being very mysterious and powerful i would of like to use a low angled shot to create the illusion of power and really play on the convention of an action film.

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