Monday 14 December 2009

About me

Hello my name is Connor stanhope and i am studying media along with other subjects such as English Language and Economics. Although my passion does sway towards the more flexible and imaginative side i still have a strange interest in Economics and therefore the way the economy works. Media for me is a chance to show a piece of myslef and i find it interesting to portray emotion through my selected pices. I have many interests though for example, i love to play football and go to the gym.

Skilles Development

Digital Technology- Photoshop/Garageband/I movie/ itunes/internet/blogspot etc

• Creativity

• Research and Planning

• Post Production - editing/music and sound/titles
Using conventions from real texts-be spcific/link between media texts and your production

I have been surrounded by media all my life and have used it a lot. Before I took media studies and i used to think i knew everything about how it works and what goes on. Now during my two years of studying the media it has opened my eys to how it effects the world and how it works. I have learn numerous of technological devices and how to create my own peices of media texts.

To Do List

More detailed storyboard - Next Week
Finish Poster- Next Week
Start Magazine Front Cover- Next Week
Finish Filming and Editing- 2 Weeks
Music- Select Final Music of website
Keep updating blog- End of tasks

To Do List

Revisions that are required fro coursework